Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week #12--Junkyard Quotes

“scissoring mandibles”;
 “Females are well known for twisting around and devouring males in the middle of copulation. The male, missing its head and eaten down to the abdomen, will continue insemination unfazed, its nerve trunk still delivering the last message sent by its speck of a brain.”
excerpted from Stanley Tate’s article on the Praying Mantis in the TG on 11/8/11.

“arrow of time”
term used by Brian Green in his documentary on time in The Fabric of the Universe

Ugandan held for pigsty of posters”
AP headline in Sunday’s newspaper 11/13/11

A murder of crows; An exaltation of doves; A parliament of owls; A congress of baboons.
Collective nouns for animal species.

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