Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week #1--Junkyard Quotes

“This guy’s catching up on some snow-rays – no shirt, no shoes…”
Channel 11 news reporter 1/10/11
I like the term snow-rays because of its irony.

“From your mouth to God’s ears.”
Michael Douglas to Matt Lauer on the Today Show 1/11/11
I did not hear the context of this phrase, but surmised that it was solicitous of praise or prayer.

"Uncheck all but the Cache and choose Everything in the timeframe."
ITS person at UWG helping me to reset my password. 1/12/11
The weirdness of technological jargon can sometimes seem to apply to universal concepts. This statement inspires the mystic in me. 

"Chinese parents can get away with things that Western parents can't."
from the WSJ, Jan 8-9, 2011 article "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior" by Amy Chua.
The irony here is that, like children, the Chinese parents "can get away with things," making the Western parents seem like the better parents, but the writer argues the opposite.

"But I want to carry this remembrance with me—this call to honor our heart’s longing for downtime—and not have to wait until another ice storm comes along to force me off the road."
From "Connecting," the online newsletter of Atlanta Diocese of the Episcopal Church in an essay by Lalor Cadley entitled "Snow Days."
I just like the wording Cadley uses to describe the human longing for peace and quiet.

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