Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week #11--Free Entry


I’m sorry we missed one another yesterday.
I was busy making dinner when you rushed by
and caused all those astrofolks to scramble
to their telescopes so they could catch a wee
glimpse of you. You must have been in a big
hurry for when I sat down to eat, you had already
faded into a blurb at the end of the news hour.
Now for somebody so eager to make a name
for yourself you seem somewhat elusive.
Maybe you should work on your social skills
before you come back in 2045. In fact, you
should spend some time with Venus when
you visit her in 2029 and pick up a tip or two.
She has a pretty thick layer of bozone but
a really soft heart once you get to know her.
She can teach you all about love and beauty,
and I’ve heard she can be a pretty hot momma
around sunrise and sunset—just the ticket
for an peripatetic, pockmarked planetoid
like yourself, who just needs a gentle push
to get on the right path. Ask her for some sulfur
to treat your acne but take care she doesn’t try
to lasso you into her orbit. You see, she lost
her only moon some time ago and has spun
retrograde ever since. I’ll look forward to your
next visit, but in case I’m not here, I’ll leave
the porch light on for you. Oh, and watch out
for the attack cat. He might mistake you for
an airborne ball of yarn. God speed!

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