Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week #9--Junkyard Quotes

Week #9

“What we do in God's name shouldn't make God hard to find.”
taken from Forward Day by Day, Mar. 15, 2011

“This place looks like a screensaver.”
Zak Taylor on arrival at Lindisfarne, Scotland

“I’ve got so much metal in my body that magnets jump off the refrigerator when I walk by.”
Bob Crowe

“We weren’t as good as the Rolling Stones and not as painful as kidney stones.”
Kirk Curcutt’s description of the band he played in.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed all of these quotes; they are so acute and unorthodox. “This place looks like a screen saver” is rather catchy and self explanatory, one would instantly know that a place of this caliber would be portrayed as “perfect” or at least close to it. The imagery in the line: “I’ve got so much metal in my body that magnets jump off the refrigerator when I walk by” is impeccable; I envisioned a piece about “The Metal Man” instantly, telling a story about his unfortunate setbacks due to the metal in his body, be it magnets, or even getting through the metal detectors in the airport. There is a lot that you could do with that one line, I wish I’d found it myself. And the last line: “We weren’t as good as the Rolling Stones and not as painful as kidney stones” is hilarious and goes without saying in a passive way; instead of saying “we weren’t that good” he chose to take a more subtle approach.
