Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week #7--Improv #1

I Am Alone

            By Leopold Sedar Senghor

I am alone in the plains
And in the night
With trees curled up from the cold
And holding tight, elbow to body, one to the other.

I am alone in the plains
And in the night
With the hopeless pathetic movements of trees
That have lost their leaves to other islands.

I am alone in the plains
And in the night.
I am the solitude of telegraph poles
Along deserted


                         by Pauline Rodwell

We are alone in our heads
And in our hearts
With tongues numbed from the silence
That we have gifted to one another.

We are alone in our heads
And in our hearts
Having loosened our grip on truth
And watched it sneak out a side door.

We are alone in our heads
And in our hearts.
We are the abandoned who abandon
When love

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