Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week #9--Improv #2

Here's another attempt in response to last week's critique by Jenna.

The Tree and the Sky

                                    by Tomas Tranströmer

There’s a tree walking around in the rain,
it rushes past us in the pouring grey.
It has an errand. It gathers life
out of the rain like blackbird in an orchard.
When the rain stops so does the tree.
There it is, quiet on clear nights
waiting as we do for the moment
when the snowflakes blossom in space.

The Elephant and I

An elephant occupies our living space.
No one can see it but it has a mission.
It keeps us from killing each other
but not from destroying ourselves. When
one of us commits a kindness it seems
to disappear, but it usually comes back
to rear its flap-eared head whenever I speak.
Tomorrow I will take it to some other zoo.

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