Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week #11—Improv

Error [First verse]

                       by Ted Hughes

I brought you to Devon. I brought you into my dreamland.
I sleepwalked you
Into my land of totems. Never-never land:
The orchard in the West.
                                            I wrestled
With the blankets, the caul and the cord,
And you stayed with me
Gallant and desperate and hopeful,
Listening for different gods, stripping off
Your American royalty, garment by garment—
Till you stepped out soul-naked and stricken
Into this cobbled, pictureless corridor
Aimed at a graveyard.


            by Pauline Rodwell

I welcomed you to happiness. I shared my numerous blessings.
I inhaled you
Into my world of order. Organization:
The bane of lazy folk.
                                                I juggled
All the classes, the planning and performances,
And you helped me
Supportive and resistant and tentative
Searching for distractions, withholding
Your enthusiasm, incident by incident—
Till you freaked out scared shitless and cornered
Into this disjointed, meaningless scenario
Destined for disaster.

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