Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week #14—Improv

Study of Two Pears
            by Wallace Stevens

Opusculum paedagogum.
The pears are not viols,
Nudes of bottles.
They resemble nothing else.


They are yellow forms
Composed of curves
Bulging toward the base.
They are touched red.


They are not flat surfaces
Having curved outlines.
They are round
Tapering toward the top.


In the way they are modeled
There are bits of blue.
A hard dry leaf hangs
From the stem.


The yellow glistens.
It glistens with various yellows,
Citrons, oranges and greens
Flowering over the skin.


The shadows of the pears
Are blobs on the green cloth.
The pears are not seen
As the observer wills.

Interpreting the Captcha
                        by Pauline Rodwell

specifi cidatio
what it means, I do not know.
I just had to copy it
to prove that I’m responsible.


Whenever I go to vote
on a certain website,
I have to type in letters
that make no sense at all.


They say that folks had trouble
spelling animal names
in order to confirm their votes.
So they changed their format.


They thought they had trouble before!
It was so simple to type
the first letters of “lion” or “zebra”
and click from the drop down menu.


Now I have to decipher letters
in various fonts and italics
and type them out JUst So
or I’ll get kicked out.


I’ll bet those folks who complained
are really sorry now, and
whoever invented captcha
could not have learnt to spell.

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