Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week #15--Sign Inventory

Week #15—Sign Inventory

A Mask Called Nothing

by Amy Pence

So we enter the dog days—summer
its bedraggled undergrowth, feasting

insects, spiders spinning, unspun.
Everything swarming to the grand ticking

surface:  verdure & verdant—a plentitude,
identity leaks from our faces, a carnival

of exiles:  subversion, ecstasy, anarchy,
apathy, masochism—listless and rogue.

Then finally, nothing:  its jade eyelids
around sockets, skin textured—

wind in the bestial unknowing
genuflects to an embarrassment of days.

Unloosed from the Dark, a lowly coming—
all the names unleash their quiet.

Confessional style
voice in the collective “we” (seemingly)
alliteration and assonance of ‘s’ sounds in lines two through four
and five.
more alliteration in “verdure and verdant”
a list of nouns related to feelings and states of mind
two uses of colons; four dashes
personification of summer “its jade eyelids,” “skin textured”
strange capitalization of Dark
odd phrasing in “identity leaks from our faces”;
“listless and rogue”; “an embarrassment of days”;
“unleash their quiet.”
seven two-line stanzas

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