Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week #13--Calisthenic

An expansion-contraction exercise, using the first six weeks of my junkyard quotes:

Sometime between September and Wednesday, the DOT expects a blizzaster. By dropping gravel into hollow potholes and spreading sand on the local roads, they hope to prevent a plethora of car crashes during and after the storm. They also plan to unload piles of snirt along the nearby river, unaware of its detrimental effect on the fish harvest next spring. The snirt contaminates the waters and kills the fish, which are then scavenged by birds returning from their winter migrations. The petroleum poisons prevent the birds from procreating, and their populations diminish. This, my friend, is how we treat our fellow beings on this planet. One man alone cannot make a difference, but large numbers of people can turn this mess around. In the timeframe of a few years, we can ALL stop the terrible tsunami of pollution which destroys our world and help restore it to its original pristine condition. This is no laughing matter. The future of generations of life is at stake. Do you protect your environment or do you sit back and watch the world self-destruct, telling yourself that it cannot happen to you in your lifetime?  Don’t fool yourself. Get off your butt and go green now!

One more blizzaster turns into piles of snirt
melting into poison for fish, birds, and families
that fish in the waters for food. Unlike the sole
swoosh of a tsunami, pollution invades us one
by-product at a time and swells into a monster
wave of destruction that threatens the future of
our planet.

Clarion Call

Snirt mounds
melt into pounds
of poisons bound
to spoil streams
destroy dreams
and us

fish die
birds can’t fly
we must try
to think green
regain pristine
and not pollute.

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