Monday, September 19, 2011

Week #3—Improv #1

Excerpt from “The Hotel Normandie Pool” by Derek Walcott

And I, whose ancestors were slave and Roman,
have seen both sides of the imperial foam,
heard palm and pine tree alternate applause
as the white breakers rose in galleries
to settle, whispering at the tilted palm
of the boy-god, Augustus. My own face
held negro Neros, chalk Caligulas;
my own reflection slid along the glass
of faces foaming past triumphal cars.

What Belongs to Caesar

Now you, whose blood was infused with fear,
have duplicated the sins of your predecessors,
held sun and moon in each hand
only to set them free of their spin
in space, taunting the reckless orbit
of gigantic Jupiter. Your own head
spitting salt cities, crowded countries;
your self-deception dipped in the shame
of abandoned quests in exchange for currency.

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