Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week #4—Improv #1

An exchange of pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and verbs in Dubrow’s “Odysseus, Sleeping”

Galatea, Manifesting

Galatea barely slept,
            while he labored still
like a slave master
            or a hurricane
swirling against the shore
            to erode the sand. Will
he slip into a slumber?
            She boldly hoped
that he would tire
            soon. His hands
bore clay above the wrists.
            She sometimes glanced
through the window to view
            the world beyond
their tiny room
            of inspiration, fascinated
by how its colors—
            like the oil painting
hanging on the wall
            --were framed in wood
and reflective of another place
            in time, his time
preserved in his creations.
            How could she have known
that soon she would become
            a woman formed
perfect, a formidable
being intended
for adoration, worship, and love
            throughout eternity?

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